Socialization Of Blanded E-Learning Learning System On The College Of Kinesiology

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Friska Sari Gracia Sinaga


Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a revolution that the currently touted by the government starting
from the central government to the regional government. One of the things that can be done in
improving the quality of learning, especially at the university level, is through learning that is based
on learning through electronics. Electronic media that is intended is learning through blanded e
learning that uses learning applications by utilizing technological advances as an effort in the
implementation of the industrial revolution that is being driven in the community and in the
campus environment. The purpose of the PPM (Community Devotion) program is carried out as a
tri dharma task of the tertiary institution and an effort to improve the competence of students,
especially students in Sport Sciences at the Faculty of Sport Science, Cenderawasih University.
The implementation of the PPM was carried out in July 2019, followed by 18 participants.
The methods applied in this training are: lectures, demonstrations and practices using learning
applications based on e learning.
The result is an increase in the competence of students, especially those who take kinesiology
courses in understanding teaching material so that it can spread the knowledge gained to their
colleagues and can then be applied to the workplace where he works later


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How to Cite
Sinaga, F. (2019). Socialization Of Blanded E-Learning Learning System On The College Of Kinesiology. Jurnal Berkarya Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(2), 169-174.